COMAND Solutions



NITTEC provides real-time traffic and roadway information to improve traffic flows.

Buffalo, NY


The Challenge

This conglomeration of agencies provide traffic information to Western New York and Southern Ontario needed to streamline the management and presentation of their various data feeds, content and systems on the web and mobile devices within a visually striking and easy to comprehend user interface.

The Solution

COMAND Solutions developed and implemented components through the webCOMAND CMS and Integrated Existing Data Feeds, Content and Systems. Along with a fresh website redesign, and some added mapping API technology, we were able to neatly package all the high-level functionality of the desktop site into a mobile-site and a native application for a broader on-the-go public use.

The mobile app solution has additional functionality to create saved routes, which prompt the user based on real-time traffic updates—from the NITTEC data feed systems—along those save routes. Allowing for any user to alter their travel plans if need be.